перепись[06.06.2009 3:08:16] surma:
I can understand practically everything but not one thing- when people decide to break off without saying a word
[06.06.2009 3:09:16] surma:
so that if one day you will really think of giving me up, please tell me about it
[06.06.2009 3:09:28] surma:
i will come and kill you
[06.06.2009 3:10:54] Sebastiaan:
lol ok I will, and I feel the same way, if people just stop talking it is weird, so if I have enough of you I will let you know and wait for you to kill me
[06.06.2009 3:11:57] surma:
[06.06.2009 3:12:29] Sebastiaan:
[06.06.2009 3:13:24] surma:
and now it's high time to sleep
[06.06.2009 3:13:55] surma:
it's dawning
[06.06.2009 3:13:56] Sebastiaan:
yes, read my emails quick and go to bed too
[06.06.2009 3:14:12] Sebastiaan:
[06.06.2009 3:14:14] Sebastiaan:
[06.06.2009 3:14:21] Sebastiaan:
than I wish you a good night
[06.06.2009 3:14:27] surma:
thank you
[06.06.2009 3:14:31] Sebastiaan:
and I hope (I really do) to speak to you soon
[06.06.2009 3:15:22] surma:
no tomorrow you will be unable to do it =)
[06.06.2009 3:15:34] surma:
but thank you anyway
[06.06.2009 3:15:40] surma:
good night!
[06.06.2009 3:15:58] surma:
have a nice great party!
[06.06.2009 3:16:03] Sebastiaan:
thank you
[06.06.2009 3:16:07] surma:
then handball match
[06.06.2009 3:16:17] Sebastiaan:
thank you again
[06.06.2009 3:16:30] surma:
and so on and so forth
[06.06.2009 3:16:38] Sebastiaan:
[06.06.2009 3:16:45] Sebastiaan:
sleep well and take care
[06.06.2009 3:16:57] surma:
thank you for being alive =)
[06.06.2009 3:17:14] Sebastiaan:
haha, thank you for worrying
[06.06.2009 3:17:24] surma:
+D bye!
И,собственно, он так ничего и не сказал мне. Просто ушел.